We are an amateur choir singing several concerts each year. We dedicate the greater part of our varied activities to preparing these concerts that enjoy great popularity among faithful regular audiences.
Aside of our weekly rehearsals that include sensitive voice training and thorough repertoire studies, sociability after rehearsals and at other occasions is also an essential element of membership in our choir.
From time to time we enjoy scheduled as well as spontaneous leisure activities such as excursions. At these occasions, we like to integrate partners, children or parents of our singers with the choir family. This not only strengthens the community, it also enhances relatives' understanding for required absences.
The choir also takes part in national as well as international choir events. Over the years, we have participated in concerts in Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Japan, to name a few. Photo: R. Knoll/SN
We meet for rehearsals every Tuesday evening from 7:30 to 10 pm at the Herrnau parish hall in Salzburg, Erentrudisstrasse 5.